Call Today for a Free Tree Evaluation by your local Arborist


Tree Pruning

Our tree service and arborists are skilled at making sound decisions when selectively removing branches during the thinning of your trees.


Windsail Reduction

During our Northwest winters your tall conifers act a large sails high above your home. We have pioneered a method for reducing the windsheer while enhancing the lower beauty of your conifers.


End Weight Reduction

Our highly skilled climbers select the necessary limbs to dramatically reduce the end weight to effectively end the loss of large limbs.


Deadwood Removal

Reduce the chance of property damage due to the shedding of large dead limbs that is common in fir, hemlock and pine trees


Hazard Tree Removal

Through the use of crane or advanced rope and rigging techniques we’re able to bring down excessively large or defective trees close to your home or valued property


Structural Thinning

Our certified arborists excise defective limbs and encourage a strong healthy branching habit of both young and aging deciduous and ornamental trees.


View Enhancement

This is the process of pruning by selectively removing branches from your trees for view enhancement while maintaining the overall health and growth structure of the tree.


Crown Thinning

Heritage Tree Care offers upper crown thinning of large conifers near structures and property to enable thorough canopy inspection.


Are you sleeping downstairs in fear of a tree coming through your house? Do you feel like you are prey when you have asked a tree service for advice on how to deal with your urban or suburban forest? Fear is a tool of salesmen that have no clue what they are talking about. Often times trying to steer customers into a purchasing a light, irrelevant and overpriced wind thinning. Often times these companies are removing important indicators as to the real health of your trees. Epicormic shoots, deadwood, and overall vigor of the canopy, which are all effected by pruning, are all important in the context of determining the status and health of a large conifers root system. That after all is where the problems with fir, hemlock, pine, and cedar trees begin.

The best thing that you can do for the hazard abatement of your forest other than hiring Heritage Tree Care is to preform a monthly observation and visual inspection of your trees yourself. Things in your forest are always changing. In the spring all trees begin to grow a new set of leaves or needles. In the case of conifers these needles should be replacing needles from five to seven years ago that have fallen off during the previous year. Often times the bulk of the needles will fall off in the later months of the year. Foliage should be rich. Fresh yellowish needles on a single tree amongst many rich green trees can be a symptom of other issues. We are often looking for subtle differences like this to find symptoms of larger problems that may actually suggest fungal infections and wood rot disease.


Heritage Tree Care LLC is committed to connecting with and servicing our community effectively.

If you have a question or wish to speak with a local Arborist, feel free to send us an email or use the contact form.